Dustin Lance Black, Screenwriter


After graduating from North Salinas High School (California), Black attended the School of Theatre at University of California Los Angeles. Although he has worked various theatre jobs such as lighting crew and actor, he has made a name for himself as a screenwriter.

In 2009 he won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for the movie Milk. He is also known for J. Edgar, 8, and Under The Banner of Heaven.

In this video: https://gizmodo.com/the-insane-creative-process-of-an-oscar-winning-screenw-1601624702 posted by Gizmodo, Black explains his creative process which involves using hundreds of index cards to organize his screenplay. All notes, all interviews were put upon color-coded index cards which he lays upon a large kitchen table. For weeks he sorts out cards that don’t fit his narrative and moves stacks around until he finally has an outline of the story to come. He then collects the remaining stacks into boxes which he will use once he starts writing the rough draft of the story.

Even creativity needs to be controlled.

